2021 Garlic Final にんにく最終章

8/23/2021 This year I took a break from gardening as we went on a cross country trip from mid May through early July. Since the garlic has been planted in last fall I decided to grow them anyway while we were away. My concern was the scapes. They normally come out in mid June and they produce flowers if they are left alone and then the energy goes to flowers not the bulbs. I wanted to avoid that so we asked our nice next-door neighbor and she helps us to deal with scapes. Thanks to her, there are beautiful garlic waiting for me to harvest when we got home from our trip. This is my 4th year of growing garlic and the bulbs are biggest ever, the cloves are sweet and smooth just the way we like! I am super happy with the outcome.

2021年8月23日 今年は初夏に長期旅行に出かけた関係で家庭菜園をお休みしましたが、にんにくは昨年の秋にすでに植えていたので継続して育てることにしました。家をあけていたのは5月15日〜7月4日。にんにくは水やり、腐葉土、雑草対策をしていれば他にお世話のいらない優れた野菜で、唯一のネックとなっていたのは6月中旬に出てくるにんにくの芽を摘むこと。芽をそのままにしておくと花が咲いてしまい、そうなると花に栄養が集中して土に眠るにんにく本体が最終段階で大きく育たないこと。迷いに迷った結果、お隣りさんのアレクサに芽の収穫をお願いすることにしました。そして彼女が快く引き受けてくれたおかげで、家を空けていたにもかかわらず、立派なにんにくを収穫することができました。にんにくを育て始めて丸4年。今年が今までで一番大きく、甘みがあってまろやかな美味しい粒ができました。大満足です。

7/8/2021 in the process of harvesting.
Removed the soil gently and made bundles.
Hang and dry them for two – three weeks with some help from a dehumidifier.
7/28/2021 The final and the most satisfying process, braiding is done!
The left and middle are the ones that I grew. The one on the right was from my friend who I game my garlic last year and he grew his own. So they are “siblings” but as you can see there is a huge size difference. my clove(middle) is almost the same size as the bulb on the right. wow!
Our fig trees are fully loaded.
Both are new addition to our house. A purple fig from my hubby’s cousin, a Japanese maple from his uncle.
Just found a very attractive soon to be ready fig.

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